If school is canceled due to an emergency or exceptional circumstance such as a contagious disease outbreak, inclement weather , or utility outage, explain the process by which the district shall determine if the school closure will be an AMI or make-up day. Ballgames or other school events, lack of substitutes, or lack of bus drivers do not qualify as an exceptional circumstance.
We have never used more than three consecutive days for AMI days. We are applying for the first five days now and will ask for an additional five days if needed. Therefore, the first five days missed will automatically be considered as AMI days with an additional five days to be applied for if needed. Any additional missed days will be considered as make-up days.
Provide a description of the AMI assignments and materials used at each school within the district to effectively facilitate teaching and support learning for the benefit of the students. AMI Packets must be available on-line or have been sent home prior to designation of an AMI Day.
AMI Packets will be sent home at the beginning of the school year. AMI online information will be provided to students at the beginning of the school year. For students with no access to the on-line programs, there will be an allowance of up to five days as necessary to make up the work. Students that do not complete the work will be counted absent for the day(s) missed.
Grades 7-12: Units of Instruction will be available with assignments in Google Classroom and/or Google Drive and also APEX. Students have or will receive email notifications through their individually assigned school email accounts when assignments have been shared by the teachers. Students that are in SEABEC or VirtualAR will continue with assignments per the normal daily routine.
Grades 3-6: Student assignments will be available on Google Classroom or via hard copies. The amount of work will be sufficient for a daily assignment covering core subjects as assessed and recorded by the classroom teachers.
Grades K-2: Students will receive packets that will contain Character Ed lessons for the students to complete daily assignments. These assignments will provide character development and growth along with practice for skills already taught in school or enrichment learning activities to expand learning.
Describe how student attendance will be determined for an approved AMI day.
Student attendance for grades K-12 will be determined based upon the work completed and submitted within a timely fashion. Teachers will assess the work (digital copies, hard copies, or oral language for literacy comprehension equally) for each student. Students will have a time frame of up to five days to complete the assignments after returning to school as necessary.
Describe how the district will ensure implementation of Individual Education Programs (IEPs) for students with disabilities on AMI days.
Special Education teachers are responsible for providing AMI assignments for Special Education students. The assignments will be based on each student’s IEP.
Describe how the district will communicate with parents and students the purpose and expectations for an AMI day. Please include the link to the website or social media where the information will be posted.