Hampton School District
Mission Statement
The faculty, staff, and administration of Hampton Schools are devoted to educating and motivating all students to lead productive, successful lives and instilling in them, positive attitudes. Through teaching and modeling, they will provide educational opportunities for all students regardless of race, sex, socio-economic background, or academic performance level.
Board Meeting Time and Location
Financial Data Reports
Administrative Salary Schedules
Superintendent Contract Information
Classified Contract Information
District Salary Benefit Expenditures
Personnel Policies
Required Reports and Plans
Five Year Professional Development Plan
School Improvement/Support Plans
Comprehensive School Counseling Plan--Student Services Plan
Parent, Family, and Community Engagement Plans
Policy for Selection, Relocations, Retention, and Challenging of Materials
LEA Plan for Use of ARP ESSER Funds
Act 676 School Medical Immunization Reports
School Board Meetings
Typically held the third Tuesday of every month